How can I avoid getting writers block when writing for my blog?

+1 vote
asked Jun 30, 2017 in Seo (Search Engine Optimization) by Stacee (270 points)
How can I avoid getting writers block when writing for my blog?
How can I avoid getting writers block or blogging burnout when writing content for my blog?

I'm trying to post 5 blog posts per day but after awhile I get tired of writing and then can't find anything else to write about?

I eventually get burned out on it too and it get's boring.

I want to earn a living from my blog eventually but can't stay motivated to write the needed content to rank my blog in the search engines.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 14, 2017 by mouzara (900 points)
Writing 5 blog posts per day can be hard. I'd get writers block as well.

When you find you run out of ideas to write blog posts, it's best to just stop writing for your blog for awhile.

Don't force yourself to write content that you are having trouble coming up with ideas for as it can make the blog post turn out bad.

It's better to have a few quality blog posts than it is to have thousands of crappy blog posts. Google favors quality content over quantity.

So if you have a bunch of blog posts that are of no quality then google may not rank your blog post in the search engines anyway.

If you feel burned out and run out of ideas then it's best to get up from the computer and go do something else for awhile.

A new idea for a blog post will come to you eventually.

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