Does Bing provide Better Search Results than Google?

+1 vote
asked Dec 15, 2018 in Google by JNelsonJeef (300 points)
Does Bing provide Better Search Results than Google?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Dec 15, 2018 by Grahlu (51,270 points)
I use both Bing search and Google search to look things up online.

Sometimes Bing provides me better search results while other times I can't find what I'm looking for on Bing and then look on Google search which provides me better search results.

I love both Bing and Google search and will use both of them.

So for me they both provide good search results to me at times and other times one shows better search results than the other.

However I mostly search Google Search but Bing is the second search engine I use.
0 votes
answered Dec 15, 2018 by 44arkonsonia (510 points)
Google is usually the best search engine when it comes to searching for things such as web hosting, internet marketing and other facts but sometimes when I'm looking for how to do something then Bing gives me better search results.

In fact I was searching Bing on how to do something and I found this website as a result of the Bing search.

I found what I was looking for while Google didn't give me the desired search results or information but Bing listed a question and answer on this website that we're on now and I found my answer.

So Google is still a great search engine and always will be and I do use Google search engine a lot however I also love Bing search as well as yahoo search when I can't find the answer to a question on Google.

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