Do the big black bumble bees sting?

+1 vote
asked Nov 28, 2018 in Other-Environment by lexiendoval (300 points)
Do the big black bumble bees sting?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Nov 30, 2018 by Weaslekbear (360 points)
Bumblebees are the bees that are less likely to sting you like the other bees unless you agitate the Bumblebees.

Bumblebees do not have barbs on their stingers and does not injure itself when it stings someone so the Bumblebee can repeatedly sting someone if they want too without harm to them.

The stinger is not left in the persons sting wound if they do get stung by a bumblebee unlike other Bumblebees where the stinger is left in the persons would and then the bee is injured as a result.

As long as you don't agitate the Bumblebees then you're unlikely to get stung by them.

Leave the Bumblebees alone and they'll likely leave you alone as well.

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