What is a hernia passing through the linea semilunaris?

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asked Nov 7 in Other- Health by comicalopion (830 points)
What is a hernia passing through the linea semilunaris?

2 Answers

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answered Nov 7 by RCallahan (18,110 points)
A hernia passing through the linea semilunaris is a Spigelian hernia.

A Spigelian hernia which occurs when the aponeurotic fascia pushes through a hole in your linea semilunaris.

The Spigelian hernia occurs in the lower quadrant of your abdomen, usually between your umbilicus and your interspinal plane.

Spigelian hernias usually are caused by a congenital or acquired weakness of your aponeurosis.

The derivation of linea semilunaris is that the linea semilunaris is formed and derived by the aponeurosis of your internal oblique muscle that meets the rectus abdominis muscle.

The linea semilunaris of Douglas is a curved line that is found posterior to your rectus abdominis muscle bilaterally, at about one third the distance between your umbilicus and your pubic symphysis.

It's also the point where the tendons of your lateral abdominal muscles meet your rectus sheath, which also surrounds your rectus abdominis muscle.

The linea semilunaris is also called the Spigelian line and semilunar line.

The linea semilunaris is a curved and vertical line in your anterior abdominal wall which marks the junction of your lateral abdominal muscles and your rectus sheath.

The linea semilunaris runs between your pubic tubercle and your cartilage of your ninth rib on either side of your body.

The function of the linea semilunaris is to provide strength, mobility and flexibility to your lateral abdominal muscles.

Your linea semilunaris is an important anatomical landmark for surgeons during abdominal wall repairs and dissection.

The linea semilunaris is also a weak area of the abdominal wall and can be susceptible to hernias.

The initial longitudinal incision should also be placed 1 cm lateral to the linea semilunaris.

Commonly, the fascial planes are quite distinct and allow for easy dissection.

The plane between your external and the internal oblique may be opened out to the posterior axillary line.

The lateral borders of the muscles create a surface marking known as the linea semilunaris.

At several places, the muscle is intersected by fibrous strips, known as tendinous intersections.

Spigelian hernias can occur in your lateral abdominal wall through a defect in the linea semilunaris (the fibrous union between the rectus sheath and the aponeuroses of the transverse and oblique abdominal muscles).

They are often usually due to a congenital or acquired weakness of the aponeurosis.

The primary function of the linea alba is to keep the right and left abdominal muscles separated.

The obliques and the transverse abdominis (your other abdominal muscles) also connect to the linea alba, making it like an anchor in your torso.

It also helps absorb force or pressure to your abdomen.
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answered Nov 8 by kkkloik (3,360 points)
A hernia through the linea semilunaris happens when part of the intestine or fat pushes through a weak spot along the side of your abdomen, where the muscles aren't as strong. It's not as common as some other types of hernias, so it might not be as obvious, but you could notice a bulge or some pain in the area. If you think you have one, it's definitely worth getting checked out by a doctor, since these hernias can lead to more serious issues if left untreated.

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