What is the differnce between Data Analyst, Data scientist and Business Analyst?

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asked Sep 13 in Programming/Design by shivanshi770 (120 points)
All these are little similar but still a little different from each other. A little help from someone from who actually knows the difference with some kind of experience in any of these fields.

1 Answer

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answered Nov 6 by JWalkz899 (1,730 points)
The difference between a Data Analyst, Data scientist and a Business analyst is.

A data scientist focuses on the development of data and also solving complex uses.

Data scientists also use data collection tools and techniques to analyze data and also develop algorithms and computer programs.

A data scientist also often has a strong background in coding and mathematics.

Data analysts collect, interpret and also publish data to help businesses understand their health and prospects.

A data analyst also creates reports and builds tools to automate the collection of data.

Business analysts and data analysts also have similar roles and some companies even use the terms data analyst and business analyst interchangeably.

Business analysts though tend to focus on the day to day operations of a business and use data to develop business strategies and make recommendations.

Business analysts also use predictive analytics to create projections and expectations and use business intelligence tools in order to share information with stakeholders.

A business analyst also needs to be a strategic thinker and have strong project management skills.

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