Google Adsense Russian Adsense accounts are being deactivated by Google

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asked Aug 16 in Google by Weewun (11,170 points)
Google Adsense Russian Adsense accounts are being deactivated by Google

The following is the information that is a message from Google about deactivating Russian Adsense Accounts.

(At this time, we are deactivating all Russia-based AdSense accounts.

This means you will not be able to monetize with any AdSense accounts based in Russia.

This follows several measures we've taken since 2022, including the suspension of ad serving in Russia.)

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Aug 16 by Satterfield (4,860 points)
Google deactivating Russian Adsense account is a good thing as Russia actually seized Google's Russian Bank account.

Also now that Google is Deactivating Russian Adsense accounts my Adsense income has started to increase now which could be a result of more ads being available for our US based websites and US based accounts.

I'm in the USA and my website was actually attacked by someone in Russia who was trying to hack it.

Not all Russians are bad but I say it's for the best that Google stop monetizing websites that have account holders in Russia.

It will be better for us US people running Adsense.

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