Some cute pictures of a little boy in his pampers.

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asked Jun 16 in Diaper Videos by 13yolddiaperboy (2,250 points)

Some cute pictures of a little boy in his pampers.

Here are a few pictures I found online of a little boy wearing his pampers and climbing up on things.

3 year old boy in his pampers and shirt climbing shelf3 year old boy diaper climbing up on counter wearing pampers and shirt

1 Answer

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answered Jul 15 by Danieldiap (6,770 points)

The little boy is so cute in his pampers.

I would love to wear his pampers after him and I remember I used to climb up on shelves like him in my diapers when I was his age. 8 year old older kid wearing diaper and shirt outsideKid boy 8 year old child older kid wearing diaper and shirt and shoes outside

6 year old boy 7 year old boy wearing diapers older kid diaper changeOlder kid boy 8 year old boy Tommy wearing pampers diaper change8 year old boy kid wearing diaper and shirt sleeping pacifier older kid in diapers

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