Does a DUI show up on a live scan?

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asked Apr 22, 2024 in Law Enforcement/Police by duonglino (1,430 points)
Does a DUI show up on a live scan?

1 Answer

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answered Apr 24, 2024 by Amberwell (17,670 points)
A DUI does show up on a live scan.

If the DUI has not been expunged or sealed then it will show up on the Live scan until it is removed.

A live scan will reveal all your criminal history.

Live scan fingerprinting can even include your federal record.

Typically, the summary of your criminal history record will also include various things like arrests, charges, dispositions, convictions, dismissals, diversions, and others.

If the applicant's fingerprints match fingerprints in the national criminal history database, the FBI sends the DOJ a cumulative RAP (Record of Arrests and Prosecutions) sheet that contains criminal history information from any states or federal agencies that have reported the information to the FBI.

A Live Scan can be rejected either for poor fingerprint quality or data entry errors.

Because the Live Scan includes much more information than a commercial background check, luckily not just anyone can access your Live Scan.

Without being authorized by law, it is a misdemeanor for any person/employer to request your Live Scan or even to request that you give them a copy of your Live Scan.

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