How many meals a day do you get in jail?

+1 vote
asked Oct 10, 2018 in Law Enforcement/Police by RobertWinst (250 points)
How many meals a day do you get in jail?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Oct 10, 2018 by IcecoldMN (300 points)
I've never been to jail and don't plan to and I hope I never have to experience jail in my life.

But in Jail inmates get the Standard 3 meals per day.

Although In Arizona Prisons which is different than jail the inmates are only fed 2 meals per day instead of the standard 3 meals per day.

I guess that is to save the state of Arizona Money on feeding the inmates in the prisons.
0 votes
answered Oct 10, 2018 by sagerave (640 points)
All Jails feed their inmates at least 3 times per day.

So they get breakfast, Lunch and Dinner.

Arizona Prison has decided to only give their prisoners 2 meals per day to cut down on costs to feed the inmates.

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