Some people may find it weird that you and others including myself have always liked or loved diapers but it's not weird at all.
I've loved diapers myself since I was 5 years old and wanted to be put back into them and wear them.
My babysitter would always put me in diapers when at her house because I would wet my pants.
I had wet my pants at 5 years old at my babysitters house back in 1993 and my babysitter put me in a plastic backed Pampers diaper.
At first I protested and then after I got it on and was playing I started to enjoy it and loved the feeling of the diaper on my penis as well.
When wet I got really excited and that is what made me start wanting to wear diapers.
I also used to think that I was the only one who liked diapers and thought nobody else in the world would love wearing diapers and I tried to quit wearing the diapers but it didn't work.
However in 2001 when I searched the internet on AOL dial up internet for I love wearing diapers I started feeling better and was very happy to find out that others out there loved diapers as well.
I also came across pictures of Diaper Boy Tommy back then and I was even happier.
My babysitter had me in thick pampers like Tommy and they felt awesome.