I'm 8 years old boy and my dad makes me wear diapers and treats me like a toddler?

+3 votes
asked Feb 18, 2024 in Grade Schooler by Liam810 (1,270 points)
I'm 8 years old boy and my dad makes me wear diapers and treats me like a toddler?

My name is Liam and I'm 8 years old and a boy and my parents are not together anymore but I have to go over to my dads house on the weekends and he makes me wear diapers and treats me like a toddler when I'm at his house.

I love my dad but I hate going over there because when I stay at his house every weekend I am forced to wear diapers which are Pampers Baby Dry size 7 and I have to also sleep in a crib and eat in a highchair.

My dad lives out in the woods and he makes me also go outside on his large property and play in just my diaper and shirt and shoes when it's warm.

I also have to drink milk from a baby bottle and suck on a pacifier.

I hate being treated like a toddler and wearing diapers when I'm over at his house but my mom said that I would just have to get used to it.

I don't wet the bed and don't need diapers but he just keeps making me wear diapers and takes pictures of me as well.
commented Mar 8, 2024 by Mayo (180 points)
liam, I understand your feelings and that you are facing challenges. It may be helpful to talk openly with your father about your feelings and how this is affecting your experience. There may be a better understanding of your needs and effective communication to handle this situation in a way that makes you feel comfortable and respected.

5 Answers

0 votes
answered Feb 18, 2024 by Danieldiap (6,910 points)

Sorry to hear you don't like wearing the diapers.

If you love your dad then I would just also learn to get used to the diapers and enjoy being with him and it seems like he also loves you and wants to keep you as his little boy.

Wearing diapers is fun and I would love it if I had a dad that would make me wear diapers and treat me like a baby.

There is a boy that was around 8 years old named Tommy that was also made to wear diapers by his dad and be treated like a toddler.

The pictures were taken around 1996 or so and he was wearing the thick pampers diapers.

The 8 year old diaper boy Tommy hated wearing his diapers too but he did so anyway.

Tommy the 8 year old diaper boy had to wear his diapers and shirt and socks and shoes and even had to wear them in public with just diaper, shirt and shoes.

I wish my parents made me wear diapers like you and Tommy.

Diapers are great underwear and are really comfortable and even better when pooped or peed in.

Tommy who was made to wear diapers by his dad is the 8 year old boy wearing just his diaper and diaper and shirt and the boy of around 7 or so wearing just his diaper in the box is another boy named Chad.

8 year old boy diaper boy kid8 year old boy kid diaper pampers7 year old boy wearing diaper 6 year old boy wearing diaper

0 votes
answered Feb 18, 2024 by 13yolddiaperboy (2,360 points)

If you don't want to wear the diapers have you told your dad that you don't want to wear them?

If not then try telling him that you don't want to wear the diapers or would just rather wear the diapers and not be treated like a toddler.

However diapers are awesome when you get used to them and you will likely learn to love them and want to wear them all the time eventually.

I love wearing diapers myself and at first hated them but overtime I found them to be more comfortable and wear them all the time now.

I wear a Gentle Steps size 7 diaper and sometimes Pampers Swaddlers size 8 diaper and I want to wear diapers forever now and for the rest of my life.

I also love sucking on pacifiers, sleeping in a crib, drinking from a bottle and playing outside on our large property in just a diaper and shoes or diaper and shirt and shoes.

I wear a diaper everywhere I go and poop and pee in them and it makes me so happy now.

Wearing a diaper means you can just pee and poop whenever and wherever you are without needing to hold it and find a bathroom.

Here's some more pictures of 8 year old diaper boy Tommy that was also forced to wear diapers and be treated as a baby.

8 year old diaper boy outside playing in diaper and shirt8 year old diaper boy outside playing in diaper and shirt5 year old diaper boy outside playing in diaper and shirt8 year old diaper boy outside playing in diaper and shirt8 year old diaper boy outside playing in diaper and shirt8 year old diaper boy outside playing in diaper and shirt8 year old diaper boy drinking from bottle highchair diaper shirt pampers

0 votes
answered Feb 18, 2024 by Jacupq4 (24,440 points)
If you don't like your dad treating you as a toddler and making you wear diapers you should speak up about it to a counselor at school or someone at school and report your dad.

Your dad forcing you to wear diapers and treating you as a toddler is abusive and should not happen.

It would be different if you actually liked it but if you don't like it them it's not good for you and he shouldn't be forcing you outside in public wit just a diaper.
0 votes
answered Mar 7, 2024 by Gingerzebell (18,940 points)
That is considered child abuse for your dad to force you to wear diapers and be a toddler when you can use the toilet.

It would be different if you needed the diapers and he made you wear them for your health but if he is just making you wear diapers and making you wear just the diaper and shaming you then it is seen as child abuse and can get your dad into trouble.
0 votes
answered Mar 13, 2024 by diopervoy (300 points)
I wish my dad would treat me as a toddler and make me wear diapers.

I would love to trade places with you and would gladly wear the diaper and play as a toddler.

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