Do you have to roll your window down for police in Michigan?

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asked Feb 4 in Law Enforcement/Police by Reddoberman (1,160 points)
Do you have to roll your window down for police in Michigan?

1 Answer

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answered Jul 31 by Gemkow (11,020 points)
You do have to roll your window down for police in Michigan when stopped.

Roll the window down at least a little so that you can hear the police officer better and they can hear you.

Being polite at the traffic stop can go a long way in how you are treated.

If the police who stop you tell you to exit the vehicle then do so as instructed as failing to do so will just get you dragged out and your window broken.

In some cases you may be let off with a warning but you might still get a ticket.

Being rude to the cop or police during the traffic stop will just make things worse.

You also must produce your Drivers License and Insurance and registration when asked for by the police that pull you over

Failing to produce the drivers license can and will get you arrested.

In Michigan, a police officer must have probable cause to conduct a traffic stop.

This means that an officer must have an articulable and reasonable suspicion that a vehicle or one of its occupants is subject to seizure for violation of the law.

Bottom line, if you are pulled over by a police officer in Michigan, you are legally obligated to roll down your window when asked.

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