How do you deal with the stress of constantly being poor?

+1 vote
asked Sep 9, 2018 in Other-Finance by Gramopad88 (230 points)
How do you deal with the stress of constantly being poor?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Sep 10, 2018 by Shawn (99,990 points)
I used to be a poor person and I lived paycheck to paycheck while working at an office job for 10 years.

During the 4th year of working in the office and hating the job and still barely getting by I decided to start a few blogs after reading online about people blogging and earning a living while doing so.

So in my spare time after getting off my job at work I would work on the blog at night and during the morning before work while eating breakfast.

I worked setting up the blog and then researching topics to write about and then I began writing the long detailed blog posts and I read up on SEO and how to use seo to get a lot of blog traffic from Google search and other search engines.

I worked on my blogs for almost 6 years before I finally started earning more than I was earning with my 9 to 5 office job.

So although I now continue to make a good full time income which is even more than my income from the old office job, the income didn't come in to me overnight.

Blogging looks like a very easy way to make money but the truth is that blogging for a living takes a lot of hard work especially in the very beginning.

But after years of hard working pounding at the keyboard and staring at a computer screen the blog can become a passive income source which means you don't have to work as hard to maintain that income and then it becomes easy income from the blog.

I earn my living now through Amazon Affiliate Promotions and Adsense as well as ads.

I still have to blog some to keep the blog active and in the search engines but it has become easier and I would not want to work in an office anymore.

I can go do whatever I want too now and if I want too I can take a laptop to the beach and do my blogging from there and I earn money in my sleep.

So the way I dealt with stress of being poor is forcing myself to have better thoughts about something I was gonna do to stop being poor.
0 votes
answered Sep 12, 2018 by swipka777 (6,100 points)

Try to think about something positive and to try some new things. I used to have not so much money and used FX to change this thing. helped to trade and to earn something from the beginning but you can develop yourself for something better.

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