Can you use Netflix with satellite Internet?

0 votes
asked Aug 18, 2018 in Internet by sharondodge (390 points)
Can you use Netflix with satellite Internet?

Can Netflix be streamed through satellite internet service?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Aug 18, 2018 by Dex R (4,600 points)
You could stream Netflix through satellite internet service but be aware that you may use up a lot or all of your allocated data streaming Netflix.

Netflix uses around 1 GB of data per hour streaming a high quality movie and sometimes even more data.

However most satellite internet providers do still allow you to use your satellite internet service even after all the data has been used but at reduced speeds.

Netflix works best on fast DSL, Cable Internet or FIOS internet service but you can watch Netflix on Satellite internet service if satellite internet is all you can get.

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