When should I replace monitor?

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asked Nov 24, 2023 in Monitors by Cay2020 (3,340 points)
When should I replace monitor?

1 Answer

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answered Jun 7, 2024 by Crazytoaster (38,530 points)
You should only need to replace your computer monitor when it starts to go dim or has any imperfections in the screen such as lines, green spots, blue spots etc or has failed.

In some cases lines on the computer monitor screen such as green lines can be due to a loose or bad VGA or other input connection.

There have been times that I thought my computer monitor was going out but turns out it was just a bad VGA cable and sometimes it was just a loose VGA cable.

Simply unplugging the VGA cable and plugging it back in tighter helped it.

I only replace my computer monitors when they start to go bad or go bad.

I usually get 5 years and sometimes 10 years out of a computer monitor.

The computer monitor I'm currently using is around 3 years old and is an ONN computer monitor that I paid slightly less than $100.00 for at Walmart.

I expect it will last another 5 years or longer before it goes bad.

I also have some older LCD monitors such as an 17 inch Dell LCD monitor that is 18 years old and was made in March 2006 and I paid $2.00 for it at a thrift store.

And I also have a 17 inch LCD monitor that was made in March 2005 which is 19 years old that I got for free as it was given to me.

As long as you treat them right most computer monitors will last quite a few years before needing to be replaced.

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