My DTV Converter Box Shuts Off

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asked May 27, 2017 in TV's by Olga (160 points)
I'm poor and can't afford a new TV so I still use my good old reliable 15 year CRT TV with a converter box I bought back in 2008.

For the last month It shuts off every 5 or 10 minutes.

Sometimes it'll stay on for a few hours and then it'll start randomly shutting off again.

I looked around the stores and can't find any converter boxes to replace this one.

Anyone know where I can get a new converter box because I can't afford a new tv right now?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 27, 2017 by Mechanic21 (29,150 points)
Do you mean 2009 instead of 2008? 2009 is when the Digital Switch Over happened.

Anyway make sure the box isn't set to go off after inactivity. You have to go into the menu settings to find it.

If that's not the case then it could be just getting old and overheating.

My Walmart sells DTV converter boxes for $30.00

Maybe look at a rent to own place for an lcd TV where you can make payments. The TV cost will be higher due to interest but it could be a way for you to get a new tv if you can afford the payments.

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