Is well water safe for human consumption?

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asked Nov 13, 2023 in Other-Home/Garden by Arcuda2001 (2,100 points)
Is well water safe for human consumption?

1 Answer

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answered Nov 14, 2023 by Gingervitis (36,960 points)
Well water is safe for human consumption as long as the well water is not contaminated and the well is properly maintained and constructed and kept sealed.

The ground naturally filters water and gets rid of contaminants which makes the well water safe to drink and well water has been used for centuries for human consumption without any issues.

Well water contains minerals and nutrients that are essential for health as well and as long as your well is sealed and your well is not near pollutants the well water is safe to drink.

The ground naturally filters out bacteria and contaminants in the water making it safe to drink.

Well water is better for you than city water as well water contains no added chemicals such as chlorine and fluoride or other harsh water treatment chemicals.

The water from water wells goes through a natural purifying process without the addition of harmful chemicals that can harm your health.

Many people have no choice but to use city water but if you have the option or already have a water well then well water is the best water you can drink.

It OK to drink well water as long as the well water has no bacteria that is bad in it.

If your well is properly drilled and constructed and sealed then the well water should be very safe to drink straight from the well.

In fact well water is healthier for you and safer for you to drink than city water is as city water contains added chemicals including chlorine to disinfect the water which can lead to kidney failure, heart disease, liver failure and even cancer.

The city water also contains fluoride which is healthy in small amounts but can be harmful if ingested in large quantities.

Well water comes straight from the ground without those added chemicals that are not meant to be ingested.

Well water also contains other minerals and nutrients including iron which our bodies need to stay healthy.

People drinking well water have a lower risk of heart disease, liver disease, kidney failure or kidney disease and other health issues than people drinking city water with added chemicals.

I have well water at my house and would never drink city water or hook onto city water.

My well water tastes much better than city water and is healthier and contains no added chemicals and I pay no water bill either.

The submersible well pump in my well uses electricity but it adds only around $5.00 to $10.00 per month at most to the bill.

City water is also sometimes reclaimed and treated sewage water that gets put back into lakes and streams and is then consumed again before being filtered naturally.

Well water comes out of the aquifers after being purified naturally through the earth.

Some cities also have water wells that they pump the water from and into the water towers and then they add the chemicals to the water.

So in some cities you're drinking treated well water and are being charged for water that you can get out of the ground without needing to pay a water bill.

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