If your toddler's fever is 103 F and not going down you should take the toddler to the ER.
The fever of 103 F or more can be harmful to the toddler if not brought down.
A child can have a 102 fever for 2 days before it is seen as an emergency.
If the child has a fever of 102 F and it does not go down within a few days you should take the child to the ER or if the fever is accompanied by abdominal pain, difficulty swallowing or breathing.
A fever is too high for a child if the fever is 102 F for more than 2 days.
If the fever gets above 102 F and does not go down or gets higher within the same day you should take the child to the ER.
Even a 101 F fever is high for a child although it's usually not a cause for concern unless it gets higher or does not go down.
In children 3 months to 3 years of age a fever of 102.2 F or higher requires a doctors visit or call to the doctor.
A child can have a fever of 101 or higher but no other symptoms which is normal and common.
Although fevers can be frightening, they're a sign of a healthy immune system.
If your toddler or child has a low fever and no other worrisome symptoms, provide plenty of fluids, rest and care. The fever should go away in a few days.
A temperature of 102.2 F is considered too high for a toddler if it does not go back down on it's own.
A temperature over 102 F can be a cause for concern in toddlers if it does not go away.
A fever starts at a temperature of 100.4 F or above and a temperature of 100.4 F to 102.2 F is a low grade fever and a temperature of 102.2 F or higher is considered a high grade fever.
You should take your child to the ER for a fever if the fever is 102 F or higher and does not go down.
If the child has a fever and it's not going down or they have a higher than normal fever or the child has any abdominal pain, difficulty breathing or swallowing or they are unable to keep any fluids down then they should go to the ER.
If the child is younger than 3 months of age and they have a fever of 100.4 or higher then you should take the child to the hospital.
Most fevers go away on their own without any medical treatment unless the fever gets too high.
The fever is meant to kill viruses in the child's body so a fever can be a good thing unless it does not go down like it should or when it should or when the fever gets too high.
Some ways to reduce a fever in a child include.
Give plenty of liquids to avoid dehydration.
Give acetaminophen or ibuprofen based on the doctor's recommendations.
Never use rubbing alcohol or cold baths to bring the fever down.
Dress your child in lightweight clothing and cover with a light sheet or blanket.
You can also give ibuprofen to your child if they have a high temperature (fever) and they feel distressed or unwell.
For children aged 3 months to 12 years, ibuprofen comes as a liquid (oral suspension) or as chewable capsules.
If your child is age 6 months or older, ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, others) is OK, too.
Read the label carefully for proper dosage. Don't give aspirin to an infant or toddler.
Call the doctor if the fever doesn't respond to the medication or lasts longer than one day.
A few studies have suggested ibuprofen may be better than acetaminophen in helping to treat fevers over 102 – 103 F, while acetaminophen may be better for children who are also having stomach pain or upset, because ibuprofen can sometimes irritate the stomach.
Many illness-causing microbes grow best at a normal body temperature.
A high temperature actually slows the microbes' ability to reproduce.
Some research suggests that letting a fever run its' course may reduce the severity of illnesses such as the flu or a cold.