Is vape worse than smoking?

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asked Sep 16, 2023 in Other- Health by JaredCohee (1,160 points)
Is vape worse than smoking?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jul 25 by Lawssons (820 points)
I think they might be worse than smoking coz you inhale some unnatural liquids in your lungs, while tobacco in cogs is more or less natural. Besides, have you heard the story about the British girl who vaped a lot and doctors had to cut a part of her lung?
0 votes
answered Jul 25 by Abulaycan (1,820 points)
edited Jul 25 by Abulaycan

It's hard to say for sure if vaping is worse than smoking since both have their risks. I've found vaping to be a better alternative for me, especially with products like Packman Vapes.

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