Gut bacteria overgrowth can cause weight gain when the balance of the bacteria are disrupted and excessive bacteria colonize in the small intestine.
The signs that you have an overgrowth of bacteria in your gut also known as SIBO include pain that can be felt in your abdomen or belly and can cause abdominal pain and abdominal discomfort as well as fatigue, weakness, bloating, abdominal distension and even diarrhea.
SIBO pain will feel like normal abdominal pain or cramping and also can lead to bloating and gas buildup and diarrhea.
The autoimmune disease that causes SIBO is IBD, Hashimoto's hypothyroidism, celiac disease and scleroderma.
Coffee can be bad for SIBO because of the acidity of the coffee which can cause irritation and SIBO flare ups which can lead to indigestion and abdominal discomfort.
The root cause of SIBO is Vitamin A, D and E deficiencies.
Surgery and other disease can also cause SIBO and slow the passage of food and waste in your digestive tract which causes a breeding ground for bacteria.
The first signs of SIBO are weakness, fatigue, diarrhea, abdominal discomfort, abdominal pain, abdominal distension and bloating.
Foods to avoid with SIBO are high fat and greasy foods, foods with dairy, milk, cheese, corn syrup, sweetened foods, sweetened cereal, apples, onions, dried fruit, butternut squash and honey.
A SIBO flare up lasts around a few days to a few weeks.
If SIBO is left untreated it can lead to Malabsorption of proteins, fats and carbohydrates which can also lead to vitamin deficiencies and malnutrition.
In some cases SIBO can lead to a vitamin B12 deficiency which can cause anemia and nervous system problems.
The three types of SIBO are intestinal methanogen overgrowth, hydrogen sulfide dominant and hydrogen dominant.
Breath testing can diagnose and differentiate between the different SIBO types.
You can have SIBO for years and not know it as most cases of SIBO go without being diagnosed for years before someone knows about it.
The best antibiotic to treat SIBO is Xifaxan also known as rifaximin.
Xifaxan also treats some complications of liver disease and travelers diarrhea.
SIBO can make you feel really bad in some cases and can cause fatigue and weakness.
Not all cases of SIBO lead to severe weakness and fatigue although severe cases can but even with normal less severe SIBO it can lead to some fatigue and weakness and abdominal cramping and even diarrhea.
Eating a low FODMAP diet can help to kill SIBO naturally and also taking Digestive Enzymes and SIBO probiotics.
The fastest way to cure SIBO is through use of antibiotics which treats and kills the bacterial overgrowth.
Taking SIBO probiotics and Digestive enzymes and Magnesium Glycinate can also help with treatment and curing of SIBO.
After SIBO treatment you will most often gain weight instead of losing weight because the recovery of the intestinal cells after SIBO therapy can help to absorb nutrients and thus lead to weight gain.
SIBO can cause weight gain after SIBO therapy when your body absorbs nutrients which contributes to weight gain.
Without SIBO treatment you may actually lose some weight due to a loss of appetite and less eating.
SIBO is usually worse at night for most people especially in severe cases of SIBO.
SIBO does not make you feel hungry all the time and in fact most people with SIBO experience a loss of appetite and do not feel hungry or the need to eat.
Foods that cause bloating with SIBO are bran cereals, kidney beans, pinto beans, foods high in fiber, desserts, sweets, sodas and other foods and drinks high in sugar.
Bananas are OK to eat with SIBO and should cause no issues although eating too many Bananas may increase bloating.
Eggs are not bad for SIBO and eggs are okay to eat with SIBO.
Foods you should eat during a SIBO flare up are foods such as broccoli, spaghetti, unsweetened cereal, oatmeal, crackers, eggs, fish and meat.
Foods to avoid with SIBO are dairy, milk, sweetened foods, sweetened cereals, sausage, dried fruits, cauliflower, asparagus, onion and garlic.
The root cause of SIBO is chronic pancreatitis, intestinal motility disorders and irritable bowel syndrome.
SIBO poop will smell like rotten eggs and hydrogen sulfide.
You can smell SIBO especially in your poop or gas when you fart which can smell like rotten smelling eggs and your breath can even have a bad smell.
The smell with SIBO is due to excessive bacteria in your small intestine which can cause the extreme amounts of rotten smelling gas and even belching.
If SIBO is left untreated it can lead to malabsorption of fats, carbohydrates and proteins and can cause malnutrition and even vitamin deficiencies.
SIBO when left untreated can lead to serious complications and especially a vitamin B12 deficiency can cause nervous system problems and even anemia.
The weird symptoms of SIBO are joint pain, headache, poor mood, fog, brain and fatigue.
SIBO does most often affect your poop can cause constipation and even diarrhea which can alternate.
Alternating constipation and diarrhea can be a sign and symptom of SIBO.
SIBO can be the result of an autoimmune disease although not all cases of SIBO are caused by autoimmune diseases.
SIBO is small intestinal bacterial overgrowth which is the presence of excessive bacteria in your small intestine.
People with SIBO may also experience osteoporosis, nutritional deficiencies and unintentional weight loss.
The amount of rounds of Xifaxan you need to treat SIBO is 7 to 14 rounds of Xifaxan taken 3 times a day for the 7 to 14 days.
When taking Xifaxan to cure Sibo it takes up to 2 weeks or 14 days for Sibo to be fully cured with Xifaxan so you'll need to take the Xifaxan for up to 2 weeks.
Xifaxan does stop bloating and abdominal pain in people who have diarrhea, IBS, Small Intestinal Bowel Overgrowth.
If you stop Xifaxan early then the symptoms of your condition can return and come back.
For Xifaxan to work on your condition you need to take the Xifaxan as long as the doctor says you should take it which is usually 14 days.
Xifaxan is hard on the stomach and can cause abdominal pain, nausea, bowel urgency, headache and rectal tenesmus.
People afford the cost of Xifaxan by applying for a program called Simplefill online or by phone at their number of 1-877-386-0206.
Simplefill and even RX coupons and discounts can help with the cost of Xifaxan.
The diagnosis that Xifaxan is approved for is irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea as well as Travelers Diarrhea.
The bacteria that Xifaxan targets is anaerobic bacteria, aerobic bacteria, gram negative bacteria and gram positive bacteria.
Most people take Xifaxan for up to 14 days.
The recommended dose of Xifaxan is 1 of the 550 mg tablets taken 3 times a day for up to 14 days or 2 weeks.
An alternative to Xifaxan is ciprofloxacin and metronidazole.
When taking Xifaxan you should avoid gluten, wheat, rye protein, barley, dairy products, fried foods, legumes and beans and also whole grains and fruits with skins which can interfere with the absorption of Xifaxan.
People who should not take Xifaxan are people with severe liver problems or kidney problems, kidney failure or other severe medical issues.
If you have a fever or bloody diarrhea then you should not use Xifaxan as it could cause other complications.
The best time of day to take Xifaxin is in the morning and in the afternoon although you can also take Xifaxan at night before bed or anytime during the day with or without food.
Xifaxan should be taken 2 times a day or every 12 hours or so.
Some people may need to take Xifaxin 3 times a day for up to 14 days.
Xifaxan takes around 2 to 3 days to begin working once you take it.