How many website visitors you need to make $5000 per month from ads?

+1 vote
asked Jul 1, 2018 in Blogging by Lamando (250 points)
How many website visitors you need to make $5000 per month from ads?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 1, 2018 by Kryxel (290 points)
The amount of website visitors you'll need to earn $5,000.00 per month will depend on the cost per click of the ads and what niche you're in.

Some niches pay higher than others.

But to make $5,000.00 per month from advertisements you'll need a minimum of 30,000 unique website visitors per day coming to your website.

It may take less or it make take more visitors per day to your website to earn the $5,000.00 depending on the niche and there's no way to know 100% on how many website visitors you'll need.

Just know that it's a lot of website visitors that you'll need in order to make $5,000.00 per month.

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