What is a good temperature for CPU while gaming?

+1 vote
asked Jun 9, 2018 in Hardware by Xoti (430 points)
What is a good temperature for CPU while gaming?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jun 9, 2018 by Dex R (4,600 points)
The highest temperature a CPU should get when gaming is up to 176 F which is 80 C.

Although most CPU's hover around 167 F 75 C to 176 F 80 C.

When the computer is idle the CPU temperature should be around 113 F which is 45 C.
0 votes
answered Nov 23, 2021 by anonymous

Damn it! This is very important because there is nothing good when the PROCESSOR overheats. I play a lot and sometimes it happens. It's bad, I know. By the way, I like to play cs go. And recently I found a website https://skins.cash/ on which you can trade skins on very favorable terms and I was also pleased that the payment is instantaneous.

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