What does it mean when you are born out of wedlock?

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asked May 16, 2023 in Other- Family & Relationships by Prettyyowers (740 points)
What does it mean when you are born out of wedlock?

1 Answer

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answered May 16, 2023 by Wenja6765lo (2,880 points)
When you're born out of wedlock it simply means that you were born when your parents are not married.

If your parents are or were not married when you were born then you were born out of wedlock.

This expression of born out of wedlock talks about children who are born to two people who are not married at the time, even if they do at a later date.

It is sometimes debated whether this includes being unmarried for the conception of the child, or just the birth.

Born out of wedlock is also known as the child being an Illegitimate Child.

An illegitimate child is when the mother and father were not married at the time of the child's birth.

Other names for illegitimate children are natural born, bastard, and base-born.

The less common words used were spurious, imputed, reputed, and misbegotten.

The absence of married parents risks emotional and behavioral problems that compound during childhood.

The impact of out-of-wedlock birth and growing up in a single-parent family on the child is significant and can be permanent.

USCIS considers a child to be born in wedlock when the child's legal parents are married to one another at the time of the child's birth and at least one of the legal parents has a genetic or gestational relationship to the child.

In most states an illegitimate child can claim an inheritance so long as they can show that the deceased was their legal parent, and that this parentage was established before death.

Legitimacy creates a presumption of legal parentage, but it rarely creates direct inheritance rights.

If a baby is born in wedlock, it is born while its parents are married.

If it is born out of wedlock, it is born at a time when its parents are not married.

The Court of Appeal in discussing the custody of a child born outside wedlock held that the custody of a child born out of wedlock follows that of the mother in the absence of any person claiming custody of the child of being the natural father.

The law identifies the mother as having parental responsibility in the event the biological father and the child's mother were not married at the time of birth.

"In Wedlock" means a person is considered to be born in wedlock for the purposes of citizenship acquisition when the parents are: Legally married to each other at the time of the person's conception or birth or within 300 days of the end of the marriage by death or divorce.

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