How to get rid of old IT equipment

+2 votes
asked Mar 29, 2023 in Hardware by alexsmith (170 points)
Call the recycling company to pick up? It must be easy.

4 Answers

+2 votes
answered Mar 30, 2023 by 23rounds (16,410 points)
To get rid of old IT equipment you can use the services of a professional IT recycling firm - some are free, others charge a fee.

Also the data security and removal should be part of the service but make sure the firm you choose is reputable.

And also make sure it complies with WEEE legislation and that they can provide details of their Waste Carriers License.

IT assets are then collected for disposal and stored somewhere accessible for the disposition team.

Between the time of ordering and shipping, it is extremely common for data center techs to scavenge the equipment for drives and memory components that can be used for sparing.

You can also sometimes drop the old IT equipment off at local recycling centers for free or for a small fee.

There are also some companies who will help you haul off and recycle old IT equipment as well as remove it.

A recycling company may also pick them up or you might also scrap them yourself and remove any valuable parts and separate them and sell them for a profit.
+2 votes
answered Apr 14, 2023 by jimbsr (310 points)

Before calling a recycling company, I suggest contacting an ITAD company first. Some recycling companies may charge a fee to pick up. But many guys may not realize that even old IT equipment still have resell value, even if they are over ten years old without asking you never know.

What is an ITAD company, and how to choose one? Check this post: how to choose an ITAD provider.

Personally, I sold some switches and test equipment to a local company. If you are in Florida, you may check this sell network equipment link.

0 votes
answered Jan 22, 2024 by Branlee (2,180 points)

Hello there. As a global leader in buying and selling used equipment, EquipNet's online platform provides businesses with a unique marketplace to purchase high-quality equipment at affordable prices. Thanks to its extensive product range, transparent buying and selling system, as well as an experienced equipnet customer service team, the company offers business representatives a convenient and efficient platform for finding the equipment needed to optimize their operations.

+1 vote
answered Oct 19, 2024 by johnucf (320 points)

While calling a recycling company may seem like the easiest solution, it's important not to dispose of them without some research. Before recycling, check the model numbers of your items and search their value online through platforms like eBay. You might be surprised at how much they're worth. Alternatively, you can request a quote from an IT asset disposition (ITAD) company, like, which specializes in buying used computer components. I’ve sold memory to them before and also sold GPUs (for AI computing) to them.

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