Download a video

+1 vote
asked Nov 20, 2022 in Internet by Alex41 (410 points)

Good afternoon. I need to download a video from tiktok, but without a watermark. Does anyone know how to do it?

4 Answers

0 votes
answered Nov 20, 2022 by Gloverdragon (23,920 points)
The way I download a TikTok Video without a watermark is by using the app SnapTik which is a completely free TikTok video downloading app that does not have a watermark on the videos.

You can download the video from TikTok by selecting the video you want to download on TikTok, tapping the Share button, and choosing the Copy Link option.

Then you just paste the link into SnapTik's designated field and you'll have your watermark-free video in just a couple of seconds.

And the, SnapTik app is completely free.
0 votes
answered Nov 20, 2022 by Philip36 (180 points)

Good evening! A lot of people know about the tiktok app now and use it. But not everyone knows how to download videos from it without a watermark. To do that you need to go to this site , then in a special form to insert a link to the video and after a few seconds you'll get the video you wanted, but without the watermark.

0 votes
answered Apr 19, 2023 by AuroraGa (1,500 points)
Hi everyone! I'm a big TikTok fan and I really enjoy watching a lot of the videos that are shared on the platform. However, there are certain videos that I would like to save for later but I don't know how to do it. Would anyone be willing to guide me through the process of downloading TikTok videos? I would truly appreciate your help!
0 votes
answered Apr 19, 2023 by William009 (1,500 points)

I also have information related to your topic. I accidentally came across tiktok downloader and tried to use it. In my opinion, it is a simple and convenient tool to download videos from TikTok without any extra effort. I've used it a few times and had no issues with uploads or video quality.

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