Ever felt like James Bond creating a new identity for a covert mission, but instead it's just for a Telegram account? Look, some of us value privacy, and the barrage of verification codes with a new phone number can feel like an invasion. There's a solution that's smoother than disappearing ink: virtual phone numbers. Services like SMS-Activate https://sms-activate.org/en/service/telegram offer temporary numbers for services like Telegram. Think of it as a burner phone, minus the lighter fluid and suspicious alley deals. These numbers self-destruct after verification, keeping your real number under wraps. But hey, maybe you're not after a disappearing act, just a temporary alias. These services also offer extended rentals, lasting up to 1.5 months, perfect for situations where you need a number for a bit longer. So ditch the cloak and dagger, virtual numbers offer a clean getaway for your online identity.