How to register an account without a phone number?

+1 vote
asked Nov 3, 2022 in Internet by Gammas (2,670 points)
Guys, who can tell me how to register an account without a phone number? Is there any alternative? Because of this condition, it is not possible to create an account

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Nov 3, 2022 by toshka (1,900 points)

When you create an account, most often you need to specify a phone number and confirm it with an SMS. This is mandatory, so there is no other way. If you can not specify a real number, you can use the service of a temporary virtual number to get an SMS confirmation code online. I can advise the site of the service, which I also use when necessary There are many options for selecting different numbers and the prices are quite acceptable. So you can consider this option

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