How much does it cost to replace a ring shank?

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asked Oct 4, 2022 in Accessories & Fashion by Lordfartquad (1,300 points)
How much does it cost to replace a ring shank?

1 Answer

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answered Oct 21, 2022 by FGjple (7,970 points)
The cost to replace a ring shank or a shank on a ring ranges from $150.00 to $400.00 or sometimes less depending on the ring.

Each ring is different, but if I'm looking at an average so you can spend between $150.00 and $400.00 on a new shank for your ring.

This would include the engraving and design being duplicated.

Your re-shanked ring should look like very nice and not like it had work done on it.

The ring shank on a ring is the part of a ring that encircles the finger, minus the setting.

The shank of the ring is the lowest part of the ring, encircling the finger, but not including the setting.

Because the shank of the ring is in direct contact with the finger and moves around constantly, it will wear down over time.

The parts of the ring are called.

    Shank: This is also known as a band.
    Head: This is the part of the ring that holds the center stone in place.
    Center Stone: This is the luxurious diamond that you pick from our array of diamonds.
    Shoulder: The top two sides of the ring.
    Side stones:

Re-shanking a ring is a technical but straightforward process that involves removing the old metal and inserting a new section.

Ring Shank Repair: Small cuts and breaks can simply be soldered shut.

If the ring needs to be resized, the jeweler will simply use the cut and add metal in that area until the ring is the correct size.

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