Safelink Wireless

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asked Sep 24, 2022 in Camping/RV by Tilman (4,070 points)
Hi everyone who uses Safelink Wireless services?

2 Answers

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answered Sep 24, 2022 by Egsbendict (23,910 points)
I use Safelink Wireless service and I get good coverage with them.

Safelink wireless uses Verizon towers which they have all over the place and I've never had any issues with coverage using Safelink Wireless.

Safelink wireless offers phones from several retailers, including Nokia, Motorola, LG and Kyocera.

The type of phone Safelink Wireless customers are offered depends on where in the country they live and which minute plan they choose.

SafeLink offers you a Smartphone or SIM Card along with free minutes, texts and data each month for qualified customers.

Customers receive only the finest service and highest quality.
0 votes
answered Sep 26, 2022 by Allert (6,500 points)

Hi! I have been using Safelink Wireless since 2019 and have had no problems with them. I got unlimited calls, text messages for free, and they gave me mobile data every month, which was enough for me. But when I decided to change the phone, since mine is already quite old, I contacted safelink wireless customer service with this request, and they answered me that, unfortunately, they do not provide a second phone, and if I need it, I can buy it myself. I was very upset by this.

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