A personal injury claim can take as little as a few months to as long as a few years to settle depending on the case.
Some personal injury claims are easy to settle and win in court while some other personal injury claims and lawsuits are not as easy to prove or win and needs more time and work to win the personal injury lawsuit.
If you go to court for personal injury then you should always hire a personal injury lawyer to help you win your case.
The personal injury lawyer can help you with the needed paperwork and documents and help you win in court.
After winning the personal injury lawsuit and judgement it can take around a few weeks to start seeing your personal injury settlement money.
Sometimes, a client's financial situation also dictates how long a personal injury case takes.
The reasons a personal injury or other lawsuit case can progress slowly can be summed up into three general points: Your case is slowed down by legal or factual problems.
Your case involves a lot of damages and substantial compensation.
You have not reached maximum medical improvement from your injuries.
The formula for personal injury settlements goes like this: Damages = Economic damages x 1.5 (based on the injury severity) + lost income.
For instance, assuming you fractured an arm in a motor collision and the medical expenses sum up to $10,000.
Let's also assume that the injury made you miss 2 months of work which would have paid you $20,000.
It is necessary to diligently collect evidence proving the negligence of the person you make a claim against.
You must also collect proof of your injuries.
It can take months to get a hold of evidence like police reports, medical reports and CCTV footage.
Unless you have taken independent legal advice on the whole value of your claim, you should not accept a first offer from an insurance company.
After your attorney clears all your liens, legal fees, and applicable case costs, the firm will write you a check for the remaining amount of your settlement.
Your attorney will send you the check and forward it to the address he or she has on file for you.
Insurance adjusters use the number of medical bills and loss of earnings as a benchmark to make an offer for pain and suffering damages.
They usually offer ½ to 1 times your economic damages (medical bills and loss of income) to compensate for your pain and suffering.