How many edibles is a felony in Texas?

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asked Sep 20, 2022 in Law Enforcement/Police by Noldot (1,240 points)
How many edibles is a felony in Texas?

1 Answer

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answered Oct 8, 2022 by FGjple (7,970 points)
Just one edible in Texas is a felony as any amount of edibles in your possession when caught in Texas becomes a felony.

Any edible or THC vape, no matter how small, is a felony in Texas because THC is a penalty group 2 controlled substance in Texas.

If you're caught with edibles in Texas it can result in a jail sentence or even a prison sentence.

The Texas Health and Safety Code Section 481.116 provides that the possession of less than one gram of a THC edible can result in a state jail felony charge.

Possession of marijuana edibles can be a state jail felony or felony offense.

In some cases, possession of edibles is punishable by several years in prison.

Police dogs can smell Delta 8 gummies if the police dog was trained to do so.

Most police dogs are trained to smell edibles and all types of gummies so yes the police dog is likely to be able to smell the Delta 8 gummies or other edibles.

Dogs can smell edibles at the airport.

If the TSA suspects edibles in your luggage then the dogs can sniff it out to see if it is edibles or not.

Dogs can easily detect the edibles as cannabis as they have very good smelling power.

If TSA finds your edibles during screening then the TSA will contact law enforcement.

Then you'll have to go into a room with the law enforcement officers and they will investigate you and possibly arrest you or fine you depending on what they find and do.

In most cases you'll be arrested and go to jail over the edibles and miss your flight as flying with edibles is illegal according to TSA.

TSA can see your edibles in your checked luggage.

However sometimes edibles may pass through the checked luggage screening undetected as edibles can look like other snacks.

If the TSA spots the edibles in your checked luggage then they will send it over to law enforcement to investigate further.

Because edibles look just like regular snacks, they're the easiest cannabis products to get through TSA and airport security.

Just make sure your edibles look like plain-old-unmedicated food.

Here's the TSA's policy on food: “Solid food items (not liquids or gels) can be transported in either your carry-on or checked bags.

Packing edibles in your checked bag has the same result as walking through security with them.

If they are discovered during a search of your bag by TSA, they will hand them over to local law enforcement who will take it from there.

Airport scanners can detect food items, though they cannot detect whether those food items are edibles.

Dogs can identify edibles but on the condition that they are trained to do so.

Dogs have super sensitive noses.

Hence they can smell and detect things we can't.

However just be aware that it is illegal to fly with edibles even if you're in a state where cannabis is legal and the edibles were manufactured and sold.

According to the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), taking cannabis products on an airplane is illegal.

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