SEO optimization of your instaprofile

0 votes
asked Jul 20, 2022 in Internet by KateNickolson (1,090 points)
Hello, everyone!
Instagram has long been a convenient, simple, and cool tool for business. And the latest updates tell us that it is possible to buy goods directly from the feed. But how do you create organic promotion for your social network page or your store page?
commented Dec 19, 2022 by anonymous
Instagram has always been an excellent platform for promotion. But promoting only on Instagram won't help you get your company known.

4 Answers

0 votes
answered Jul 20, 2022 by Elis (1,120 points)
Hi! Every day you should spend at least 15-20 minutes commenting and liking other people's posts. Moreover, comments should be extended. Talk to people, ask them questions. Show that you are really interested in what the person wrote about. Imagine he is standing in front of you and you are talking to him face to face. That's the only way you can attract instagram followers. Either with the help of an agency I've turned to many times It will look organic.
0 votes
answered Jul 20, 2022 by Helen (1,100 points)
It is very important to do SEO promotion on Instagram. This will make your posts appear in the search engines. This is an additional way to find potential followers and possible customers. For SEO promotion, you need:
1 Optimize your nickname and name - these will act as keywords by which other users can find you.
2 Optimize your profile description - so potential
subscribers understand what you do and how you can be useful for them.
3 Optimize your photos - they should be beautiful and clear, so people immediately understand what they see in the picture.
4 Use ALT-texts for illustrations - so posts will be visible not only to search engine crawlers, but also to visually impaired users.
5 Use hashtags as additional keywords.
6 Comment and like other users - they will come to the account to see who is communicating with them.
7 Tag popular brands and companies in Stories and posts - so you get noticed and placed on your profile. If the post is interesting, the blogger's audience will notice the post and come to your account.
0 votes
answered Dec 19, 2022 by SquareF (680 points)
Hi, do you advertise on Facebook too?
0 votes
answered Dec 19, 2022 by LForward1 (460 points)

Instagram has always been an excellent platform for promotion. But promoting only on Instagram won't help you get your company known. You can use google ads, but it is out of date. Try hiring seo services such as MarketJar. Have you wondered how long does SEO take? Well, it takes around 6 months if you want to see results. But during the first 2 months, you can see results too. Being on page 1 is very important because 90% of people don't bother to check page 2 on google, so you should find a way to optimize your website :)

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