How can I create a website and earn money?

0 votes
asked Jun 26, 2022 in Blogging by atnight (4,540 points)
How can I create a website and earn money?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jun 28, 2022 by nikker (240 points)

Well start to post my pics in social media. I have interest in promotion my account among other users. One of social media’s greatest qualities is its ability to humanize the brands people use the most throughout their lives.
Not only does it give a brand a likeliness and vibe, but it makes it more relatable too. I like to use for its promoton mostly this booster

0 votes
answered Jan 16, 2023 by kuroit (2,010 points)

You can buy a domain of your choice and start develop it as per your services offer to customers. Make it very responsive and eye catching to get user attention. Start optimising a website for SEO to give your website a high traffic and sales conversions. After getting enough traffic to your website, you can apply for adsense to start earning money online.

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