Do you miss your old CRT Television set?

+1 vote
asked Mar 9, 2018 in TV's by Christeen (70,120 points)
Do you miss your old CRT Television set?

I'm just curious because my sister told me today that she missed her old CRT Television set because she said it had a better quality picture than her new LED Television.

I personally don't miss the old CRT Tube Televisions anymore since I think they were ugly by today's standards and I like the look of a flat screen LED TV mounted on the wall vs a big entertainment center with a bulky Tube TV in it.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Mar 9, 2018 by Adf289 (59,990 points)
When the new LED LCD Television's first came out and I saw them in the stores on display I thought the picture quality of them were horrible and to me the picture quality was horrible when the first flat panel TV's came out.

But overtime and especially now the picture quality has improved on the new Televisions and I would not go back to CRT Televisions if they made them again.

The biggest ones were very heavy to move but the new LED TV's I can easily move a 65" Led Television myself.

And I agree the old CRT Televisions were really ugly in a room compared to the new Televisions today.

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