How do you clean your house after using pesticides?

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asked May 25, 2022 in laundry/Cleaning by teabagdia (540 points)
How do you clean your house after using pesticides?
commented Jul 30, 2022 by ministik (160 points)
I often failed to clean the house properly, but now I'm worried about the health of my children. I do deep cleaning house with these methods and even bought myself a good Dyson V8 Absolute device that helps to do better cleaning .

3 Answers

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answered May 31, 2022 by Wendell (42,760 points)
After using pesticides in your home you can clean the house using bleach, soap and water, vinegar etc.

Wipe down the areas and mop areas where you sprayed the pesticides after you give the pesticides time to kill the bugs.

Then mop the areas and wipe the areas down with soap and water, bleach or some vinegar and water or other cleaning products.

Also air out your home to help get rid of the smell of the pesticides.

However you do want to leave some pesticides down for awhile to allow them to work properly to kill the bugs and insects.

Pesticide half-lives can be lumped into three groups in order to estimate persistence.

These are low (less than 16 day half-life), moderate (16 to 59 days), and high (over 60 days).

Pesticides with shorter half-lives tend to build up less because they are much less likely to persist in the environment.

When cleaning walls and windows, cloth rags should be used to thoroughly remove pesticides on these areas.

You can spray a soap and water solution on the walls but make sure that there are cloths below to avoid the drips from getting into the floor.

Wipe these areas so that no chemicals will be left behind.

The recommended time to wait before you can come inside is after two to four hours.

You should be cautious because if you suddenly enter your home after the exterminator has finished applying the treatment, aside from affecting your respiratory system, your skin can as well absorb the chemicals which can be harmful.
0 votes
answered Jul 30, 2022 by ministik (160 points)

I often failed to clean the house properly, but now I'm worried about the health of my children. I do deep cleaning house with these methods and even bought myself a good Dyson V8 Absolute device that helps to do better cleaning .

0 votes
answered Oct 19, 2022 by Lamaysor (2,660 points)

If your business has a high volume of carpet and upholstery cleaning, the Fortador PRO Max is a great option. This model is one of the best for its features. I recommend to pay your attention to this diesel steam cleaner. Or read more on the website.

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