Where to invest with minimal risk?

+1 vote
asked May 23, 2022 in Employment & Careers by Shamurai (130 points)
The main rule of investment is that income is always directly related to risk. I want to minimise it if this is possible.
commented Jun 21, 2023 by Sinti (140 points)
As one investment option, you can consider investing in credit. P2P lending (peer-to-peer lending): This is a form of lending in which you provide funds to other people or small businesses, bypassing banks. There are online platforms where you can choose an exception and exclude a loan with interest protection. Read more about it here https://lonvest.com/blog/what-is-p2p/ The risk of default and delayed repayment can be reduced by diversifying your investments by a few percent.
commented Jul 17, 2023 by BenjaminHayes (100 points)
Recently I have gained valuable knowledge in the trading sphere on the platform https://binorium.com/binomo/ . Binorium is a valuable review website that offers in-depth information about trading platforms. It provides comprehensive insights into platforms like Binomo, covering features, user experience, security, and more. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced trader, Binorium is a go-to platform for understanding different trading platforms, including Binomo.

5 Answers

0 votes
answered May 23, 2022 by Niddletwin (3,380 points)
Some ways how and where you can invest with minimal risk include.

High-yield savings accounts.
Series I savings bonds.
Short-term certificates of deposit.
Money market funds.
Treasury bills, notes, bonds and TIPS.
Corporate bonds.
Dividend-paying stocks.
Preferred stocks.

What is the safest least risky investment?

For example, certificates of deposit (CDs), money market accounts, municipal bonds and Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS) are among the safest types of investments.

Certificates of deposit involve giving money to a bank that then returns it with interest after a certain period of time.
0 votes
answered May 26, 2022 by Urkail (140 points)
edited May 31, 2022 by Urkail

Accordingly, if you are afraid to take risks, you should not initially count on high income. It's another matter if you are just starting out and just looking for a way to get comfortable in stock trading without losing your investment and at least earning a little. In this case, the following assets can be advised:

  • Preference shares. You can also invest in ordinary ones, but the preference ones have several advantages: a higher dividend rate (usually by a couple of percent), dividends are most often paid once a month or once a quarter, securities can be sold at any time without fees.
  • ETFs. It is especially relevant for small amounts on the account. By buying a share of a fund (ETF), you become a co-owner of a part of a whole package of securities, formed by professionals. The package changes depending on the market situation, but you don't have to understand it.
  • Currency. As trite as it sounds, it makes sense to invest in the main currency – dollars and euros.

You can also take a closer look at gold, which was rising especially actively in 2022 (compared to 2021, the price almost doubled). However, the market is in decline now. For those who have already invested it is not favorable situation, but for the rest it is a good chance to buy it cheaper and then make money on growth. In the end you have to choose a broker to make investments, as example - Just2Trade.

0 votes
answered May 30, 2022 by Indirasecurities (140 points)
0 votes
answered Aug 15, 2022 by Andrew_Clarkson (7,110 points)

It is perhaps difficult to imagine an investment object older than diamonds. Today, experts warn that in light of the approaching depletion of diamond mines, it is worth hurrying up with the purchase of precious stones. That is why I can suggest to buy white diamonds. Magnificent Antwerp Diamonds specializes in natural white diamonds of different shapes and carat weights, in addition to a plethora of other fancy color diamonds.

0 votes
answered Jun 17, 2024 by SpoonBuffy (1,900 points)
edited Jun 21, 2024 by SpoonBuffy

It's been a while since your post, but I'd like to add some information. Minimizing risk in investments is indeed a smart goal. Diversification is key here, meaning spreading your investments across different types of assets like stocks, bonds, and real estate. This way, if one market takes a hit, you won't lose everything. It's also wise to stay informed about market trends and use AI routing for professional day traders. These tools can help you make more informed decisions based on real-time data and market analysis. While it's true that higher returns often come with higher risks, finding a balance that suits your comfort level is crucial. Investing is all about managing risks to achieve your financial goals.

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