Accordingly, if you are afraid to take risks, you should not initially count on high income. It's another matter if you are just starting out and just looking for a way to get comfortable in stock trading without losing your investment and at least earning a little. In this case, the following assets can be advised:
- Preference shares. You can also invest in ordinary ones, but the preference ones have several advantages: a higher dividend rate (usually by a couple of percent), dividends are most often paid once a month or once a quarter, securities can be sold at any time without fees.
- ETFs. It is especially relevant for small amounts on the account. By buying a share of a fund (ETF), you become a co-owner of a part of a whole package of securities, formed by professionals. The package changes depending on the market situation, but you don't have to understand it.
- Currency. As trite as it sounds, it makes sense to invest in the main currency – dollars and euros.
You can also take a closer look at gold, which was rising especially actively in 2022 (compared to 2021, the price almost doubled). However, the market is in decline now. For those who have already invested it is not favorable situation, but for the rest it is a good chance to buy it cheaper and then make money on growth. In the end you have to choose a broker to make investments, as example - Just2Trade.