No follow, Noopener and No Reference

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asked May 17, 2022 in Internet by outrightcrm (380 points)
Difference between No follow, Noopener and No Reference?

1 Answer

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answered May 17, 2022 by lightsensor (23,500 points)
The difference between nofollow and noreferrer is that noreferrer does not pass any referral information to the browser but the link is followed. With nofollow, referral information is passed to the browser but the link is not followed.

It's easy to mix rel=”noopener” with rel=”nofollow”.

They are completely separate.

The noopener attribute prevents your website from cross-site hacking and improves WordPress security.

On the other hand, nofollow attribute prevents your website from passing on SEO link juice to the linked website.

The noopener keyword for the rel attribute of the <a> , <area> , and <form> elements instructs the browser to navigate to the target resource without granting the new browsing context access to the document that opened it — by not setting the Window

rel=noreferrer is same as rel=noopener.

The only difference is that if you use rel=norefferer the owner of the destination page will never know that you are linking to his/her site.

Because this attribute blocks the browser to transfer the HTTP referral header to the destination site.

The difference between nofollow and noreferrer is that noreferrer does not pass any referral information to the browser but the link is followed.

With nofollow, referral information is passed to the browser but the link is not followed.

A nofollow link, or backlink, is a link which does not pass authority on to the website it is linking to.

These links do not help in terms of SEO. To make a link nofollow, add rel=”nofollow” to the code when linking to a website.

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