How much butter should I use for 2/3 cup oil?

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asked Feb 8, 2022 in Recipes by speakfacts (1,210 points)
How much butter should I use for 2/3 cup oil?

1 Answer

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answered Feb 9, 2022 by August17th (1,840 points)
When substituting butter for 2/3 cup of oil you would use about a 1/2 cup of butter to equal 2/3 cup of butter.

You can fry in butter.

Butter is mostly fat and oil so you can use butter to fry foods with.

Butter is usually a bit healthier to fry foods with than regular cooking oils are.

However while you can fry foods with butter in a skillet you cannot deep fry foods in butter as the butter cannot handle the heat of the deep fryer.

The butter can't handle the heat of the deep fryer; it will brown and burn before you reach deep-frying temperatures.

Although frying foods in a skillet with butter is okay as the butter can handle the heat of skillet frying.

I fry eggs and other foods in the skillet with butter and never had any issues doing so.

I love the taste the butter gives the skillet or pan fried foods.

However when you're actually deep frying foods you need to use cooking oil that can handle the heat of the deep fryer.

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