Can you drink coffee before a bronchoscopy?

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asked Jan 21, 2022 in Other-Food Drink by adamschull (790 points)
Can you drink coffee before a bronchoscopy?

1 Answer

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answered Jan 26, 2022 by dupercute (1,090 points)
You can drink coffee before the bronchoscopy but only before midnight when you go to sleep for the procedure the next day.

When you're scheduled for a bronchoscopy procedure the next day you should avoid eating or drinking anything after midnight the night before your procedure.

This includes water, coffee, and tea.

You can take your Blood pressure or Heart medications with a little sip of water.

Do not take your Diabetes medications or Insulin on the day of the procedure.

The alternatives to a bronchoscopy include X Rays, CT Scans and Suctioning Techniques.

Other tests and procedures, such as x-rays, CT scans and suctioning techniques can give some information about the lungs, but bronchoscopy allows the doctor to look at the inside of the lungs, obtain very specific samples and at times remove a blockage.

A bronchoscopy is sometimes done for pneumonia.

Common reasons for needing bronchoscopy are a persistent cough, infection or something unusual seen on a chest X-ray or other test.

Bronchoscopy can also be used to obtain samples of mucus or tissue, to remove foreign bodies or other blockages from the airways or lungs, or to provide treatment for lung problems.

Bronchospasms are normal after a bronchoscopy although rare.

In addition, some discomfort may be felt in the days after the bronchoscopy procedure, such as fever, sore throat, cough, or reactions to the medications used.

A bronchoscopy is a pretty safe procedure although in some cases a bronchoscopy can cause bleeding.

A bronchoscopy can sometimes cause a chest infection or a throat infection.

If you had a biopsy taken, you may cough up a little blood a few times in the following day or so.

Rarely, a bronchoscopy can cause damage to the lung.

A bacterial infection is the most common cause of a fever after a bronchoscopy.

Fever is frequently seen after bronchoscopy and in some cases caused by bacterial infection.

Procalcitonin might be useful to distinguish a bacterial infection from unspecific self-limiting fever.

After you have a bronchoscopy you can eat 2 hours after the bronchoscopy.

A bronchoscopy is safe for a child and the child will be sedated during the bronchoscopy.

The child undergoing a bronchoscopy may feel a bit of discomfort but they should not feel any pain.

You can have a bronchoscopy without sedation but doing so can be painful.

It's best to be sedated when you have the bronchoscopy done to avoid any pain and make it more comfortable to have the bronchoscopy done.

A bronchoscopy is an endoscopic technique of visualizing the inside of the airways for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.

An instrument is inserted into the airways, usually through the nose or mouth, or occasionally through a tracheostomy.

Bronchoscopy is a procedure a doctor uses to look inside the lungs.

This is done with a bronchoscope, a thin, flexible tube with a light and a lens or small video camera on the end.

A bronchoscopy may be done to diagnose and treat lung problems such as: Tumors or bronchial cancer.

Airway blockage (obstruction) Narrowed areas in airways (strictures)

The bronchoscopy may feel uncomfortable, but it shouldn't hurt.

Your health care team will try to make you as comfortable as possible.

Samples of tissue and fluid may be taken and procedures may be performed using devices passed through the bronchoscope.

Bronchoscopy is done under "conscious" sedation.

You continue to breathe on your own but do not feel the discomfort of having the tube in your mouth or nose.

Bronchoscopy lets your doctor look at your airway through a tube called a bronchoscope.

Afterward, you may feel tired for 1 or 2 days.

Your mouth may feel very dry for several hours after the procedure.

You may also have a sore throat and a hoarse voice for a few days.

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