Does boiling meat kill bacteria?

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asked Jun 4, 2020 in Cooking by playonwords55 (400 points)
Does boiling meat kill bacteria?

1 Answer

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answered Jun 5, 2020 by 765preey (720 points)
Yes boiling meat does kill bacteria on the meat that is active at the time you boil the meat.

When boiling meat you can easily kill off any potential bacteria including the bacteria of E. coli and salmonella.

When you feed a dog some raw meat it's recommended to boil the meat for a few minutes to kill the bacteria so that it does not make the dog sick.

Also when you cook meat for human consumption to a high enough temperature the bacteria is also killed off including the E. coli and salmonella.

When you don't cook the meat all the way through then it's possible that some bacteria can still be on the meat which can make you sick.

So always make sure you cook meat all the way through and do not leave it partially raw.

If you cook meat and then bite into it and notice that some of it's still raw then you should cook the meat some more.

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