Are Floating mussels dead?

0 votes
asked Apr 19, 2020 in Other-Food Drink by Antoniah (300 points)
Are Floating mussels dead?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Apr 20, 2020 by linda (29,790 points)
Yes floating mussels are dead.

When the mussels float they are either dead or empty and if the mussels float they are bad and should be thrown out.

The mussels should not float and if the mussels do float it's an indicator that they are bad and dead and should not be eaten.

Eating already dead mussels even when cooked can make you sick because they can contain bacteria.

Partly opened mussels can also be dead and to test whether the mussel is dead or not squeeze the mussel shut and if it stays closed then it's good and if it does not stay shut then it's bad and should be thrown out.
0 votes
answered Dec 28, 2021 by Gracy (133,260 points)
Mussels that are floating are dead and should be thrown out.

When the mussels are alive they should not float and you should keep the mussels alive until you're ready to cook them.

Dead mussels could contain bacteria and parasites which can make you sick so you should throw out any dead mussels that are floating.

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