How much money does 1 million YouTube views make?

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asked Dec 23, 2019 in Youtube by crasghj (310 points)
How much money does 1 million YouTube views make?

1 Answer

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answered Dec 23, 2019 by Minty (132,850 points)
The amount of money that you can make with 1 million YouTube views on your videos depends on the advertisers cost and what ads are playing.

Some ads pay higher per view than other ads so that can vary.

Some people earn $300.00 from 1 million YouTube views while others earn $1,000.00 to $2,000.00 per 1 million YouTube views.

The more views you get on your videos the more money you make.

Also you should note that some people viewing your videos may not see the ads on your videos due to ad blocker being installed on their browser or they may skip the video ads if possible.

Sometimes I will watch a Youtube ad on videos if it's less than 2 minutes in length for the ad but any ads over 2 minutes I will skip them if possible.

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