Is the choke of an artichoke edible?

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asked Dec 20, 2019 in Other-Food Drink by Pokogirl (400 points)
Is the choke of an artichoke edible?

1 Answer

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answered Dec 20, 2019 by Gracy (132,100 points)
All parts of the artichoke are edible but not the choke of the artichoke.

The choke of the artichoke is the hairy fuzzy layer part of the artichoke and is not edible and should be removed and thrown out.

If you try to eat the hairy part of the artichoke known as the choke you will as the name implies choke on it.

The part of the artichoke that is not edible and could potentially poison you but will likely choke you instead is the hairy fiber part of the artichoke.

You can eat all of the baby artichokes but the full grown artichokes cannot be eaten whole.

Artichokes are best eaten when cooked or steamed but artichokes can be eaten raw if you prefer them that way.

But not all of the artichoke is edible and could make you sick if eaten.

On the artichoke the outside of the bulb of the artichoke features dark green leaves, which are stringy, fibrous, and not meant to be eaten.

If you eat those it could be poisonous and possibly deadly so cut that off and throw that part of the artichoke away.

The rest of the artichoke is edible and can be eaten either raw or cooked.

I tried raw artichoke before and it wasn't very good to eat but I love artichokes when they are steamed or cooked in other ways.

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