Is it okay to eat 2 cucumbers per day for health?

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asked Sep 4, 2019 in Other-Food Drink by teddugger (200 points)
Is it okay to eat 2 cucumbers per day for health?

1 Answer

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answered Sep 4, 2019 by Minty (132,850 points)
You can eat as many cucumbers per day as you want too and eating 2 cucumbers per day is okay and healthy for you.

The more cucumbers you eat the better off your health will be as cucumbers are very good for you and contain lots of nutrients and vitamins and they are high in water content which keeps you hydrated.

Also you can eat the cucumbers with the cucumber peelings on them and get better nutrition as a result.

The cucumber peelings are edible and are actually good for you and nutritious.

Cucumber peels are very nutritious and are healthy and contain a good source of dietary fiber that helps reduce constipation and the cucumber peels even offer some protection against colon cancer.

Cucumbers without the peel are also healthy but you get the maximum health benefits of the cucumbers when you eat the cucumber peeling along with the rest of the cucumbers.

Cucumbers are also high in vitamin K, anti-oxidants and potassium which is all good for optimal health and the cucumbers will also keep you hydrated but you do get more health benefits and nutrients and vitamins from the cucumber peelings.

I eat cucumber peelings all the time.

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