How do you cook bacon in the oven without smoking the house?

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asked Jun 30, 2019 in Cooking by SpruceHunt (310 points)
How do you cook bacon in the oven without smoking the house?

1 Answer

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answered Jun 30, 2019 by Lilly21 (57,780 points)
The smoke when baking bacon in the oven is usually caused by bacon grease heating up and burning off the oven that is dripping in the oven.

So make sure your oven is clean of any food or grease before putting the bacon in the oven to cook the bacon.

You can prevent some spillage of bacon grease by lining the baking sheet or baking pan with some aluminum foil which also makes for easy cleanup of the bacon.

I bake bacon a lot and haven't had too much problem with the bacon smoking up the house due to keeping the grease cleaned up and lining the baking sheet with aluminum foil.

You could also cover the baking pan and bacon with some tin foil or aluminum foil to help the bacon cook faster and keep the bacon grease inside the baking pan to prevent it from spilling on the inside of the oven.

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