Is there a difference between goat cheese and feta cheese?

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asked Apr 6, 2019 in Other-Food Drink by kennytenision (310 points)
Is there a difference between goat cheese and feta cheese?

1 Answer

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answered Apr 6, 2019 by Susannah (2,290 points)
Feta Cheese and Goat Cheese are similar but they're different cheeses and made differently.

Goat Cheese is made from 100% goats milk while Feta Cheese while it does contain goats milk the Feta Cheese contains more Sheep's Milk than Goat Milk.

Goat Cheese is also softer and has a sweeter taste than Feta Cheese.

Feta Cheese and Goat Cheese are sometimes confused as being the same but they are indeed different.

Goat cheese also becomes stronger tasting as it ages.

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