What do Russians put on their pizza?

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asked Aug 18, 2022 in Other-Food Drink by stolonproces (1,420 points)
What do Russians put on their pizza?

1 Answer

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answered Aug 25, 2022 by Writerwife (11,690 points)
Russians put fish on their pizza.

The most popular pizza topping in Russia is fish.

Mockba is a popular Russian pizza style, topped with mackrel, tuna, sardines, salmon and onions.

Pizza Mockba (Moscow) is a popular topping combo in Russia served with tuna, sardines, salmon, and mackerel, garnished with onions and herbs – perhaps the least kosher foods in existence.

In a poll of more than 6,000 US adults, America's favorite pizza topping is pepperoni.

About two-thirds (64%) of Americans say they like this topping.

Other popular additions among US adults are sausage (56%), mushrooms (54%), extra cheese (52%), and onions (48%).

Russians are obsessed with mayo as mayo is a good flavor enhancer for food and because of Russians harsh winters means fewer spices and herbs are growing and available while mayo is more widely available to add flavor to foods.

Mayonnaise was introduced to imperialist Russia at the turn of the 20th century and it remained a stalwart throughout Soviet times.

Mayo also called mayonnaise is made of emulsified eggs, oil and usually vinegar and lemon juice.

Mayo or mayonnaise is made by emulsifying the eggs, vinegar and oil and lemon juice.  

The emulsification of the ingredients for mayonnaise is to combine the ingredients which combines two or more liquids that are not normally mixable.

The store mayonnaise has less yolks per volume oil, and yolks give most of the yellow color.

Mainly the reason is that store mayonnaise adds water, rather than relying on the moisture in the egg yolks and vinegar.

Mayonnaise has high Vitamin E content which keeps the heart strong and healthy and prevents the occurrence of a stroke.

Mayonnaise rich in Omega – 3 has substantial benefits for the heart.

While mayo is made almost entirely made of fat, it mostly unsaturated fat, which is a healthier fat.

Mayonnaise is said to be the invention of the French chef of the Duke de Richelieu in 1756.

While the Duke was defeating the British at Port Mahon, his chef was creating a victory feast that included a sauce made of cream and eggs.

Mayonnaise is normally not vegan, because one of the crucial ingredients is eggs.

But several brands of egg-free and dairy-free vegan mayonnaise can be found at most grocery stores, and at all-natural foods stores.

One of the highest-calorie, highest-fat food condiments is mayonnaise.

It's also full of sodium, which can lead to weight gain."

In mayo, one little tablespoon can amount to 90 calories and 10 grams of fat.

As only carbs directly affect post-meal blood sugar levels, ordinary mayonnaise does not raise glucose levels or interfere with diabetes management.

However, mayonnaise can increase sugar levels when served with potato salad, sandwiches, or fries.

Mayo's high fat and saturated fat content causes total cholesterol levels as well as LDL cholesterol levels to rise.

Over time, this may lead to clogged arteries, and increases your risk for heart disease.

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