What is the hardest cheese?

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asked Aug 7, 2022 in Recipes by Jamatrama (1,310 points)
What is the hardest cheese?

1 Answer

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answered Aug 8, 2022 by Higgonbottom (13,070 points)
The hardest cheese is Chhurpi cheese.

Chhurpi cheese is a traditional type of soft and hard cheese that is consumed in the Himalayan regions of Nepal, Sikkim, Darjeeling, and Tibet.

The two varieties of chhurpi are a soft variety and a hard variety

Hard cheese is cheese that is firm and not soft.

Examples of hard cheese include block cheese, cheddar cheese, Parmigiano, Grana Padano, Pecorino, Gruyere, Emmental, and Mimolette cheese.

White cheese is called Feta Cheese.

Although Feta Cheese is the most common white cheese there are some other white cheeses which include.

Asiago cheese, an Italian cow's milk cheese.
Beyaz peynir, a salty, white cheese made from unpasteurized sheep (or cow) milk.
Caș, a type of semi-soft white fresh cheese made from sheep or cow milk, produced in Romania.
Domiati, a soft white salty cheese made primarily in Middle Eastern countries.

Cheese is between 62 percent to 77 percent water depending on the type of cheese.

Cheese is made from the milk of animals such as cows, goats, donkeys etc and also ingredients which include salt, good bacteria, rennet an enzyme.

These ingredients are then mixed together to create cheese.

The type of cheese that is healthy is Mozzarella, Feta Cheese, Blue Cheese, Swiss Cheese, Cottage Cheese.

The 7 types of cheese are fresh cheese, Aged Fresh Cheese, Soft White Rind Cheese, Blue Cheese, Hard Cheese, Semi Soft Cheese and Flavor added cheese.

The five types of cheese are fresh, soft-ripened, washed-rind, pressed, and blue.

The different types of cheeses are blue cheese, hard cheese, pasta filata, processed cheese, semi-hard cheese, semi-soft, soft and fresh, and soft-ripened cheese.

The most popular cheeses are.

Swiss Cheese.
Cheddar Cheese.
Mozzarella Cheese.
Parmesan Cheese.

The most expensive cheese is Pule Donkey Cheese which costs $1,130.00 per Kilo.

Pule donkey cheese or magareći sir, is a Serbian cheese made from 60% Balkan donkey milk and 40% goat's milk.

The Pule donkey cheese is produced in Zasavica Nature Reserve, as conceived by Slobodan Simić, Zasavica Special Nature Reserve Manager and former Serbian MP.

Mold ripened cheese is a soft and ripened cheese that has a healthy type of mold known as (Penicillium candidum, camemberti or glaucum) added to the milk that is sprayed over the cheese or added to the milk of the cheese.

The added mold creates the soft, white rind and also helps the cheese ripen from the outside in.

Surface mold–ripened soft cheeses are types of cheeses that are characterized by the presence of a felt-like coating of white mycelia due to the growth of Penicillium camemberti on the surface.

The presence of this mold gives these cheeses a characteristic appearance, as well as a typical aroma and taste.

Cheese ripening or cheese maturation is a process in the cheese-making.

This process is associated the activities many microbial proteases and lipases changing the morphology and physical texture of the cheese as well as developing the taste and flavor of the product.

Natural cheeses are made by making milk coagulate, using either rennet or acid.

As their name indicates, ripened cheeses are then further matured to develop a stronger taste and an ideal texture.

Not all cheeses are ripened. Cottage, cream, ricotta, and most mozzarella cheeses are ready for sale as soon as they are made.

All these cheeses have sweet, delicate flavors and often are combined with other foods.

Mold is an integral part of the cheese making process.

The healthy types of mold will kill you, but it could negatively impact the flavor and texture of the cheese it's growing on or at the very least make it taste pretty different from how it was supposed to.

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