How can I firm up my toddlers poop?

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asked Mar 20, 2022 in Toddler/Preschooler by Paverick1222 (980 points)
How can I firm up my toddlers poop?

1 Answer

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answered Mar 21, 2022 by Tiffaniwashington (980 points)
The best way to firm up your toddlers poop is to increase the toddlers fiber intake.

Feed the toddler more high fiber based foods such as whole grain cereals, breads, oatmeal, beans, fruits and vegetables, bananas, rice, pasta, mashed potatoes, yogurt and apple sauce.

A toddlers poop should appear as long, soft and formed in a log like shape.

However before 18 months of age the poop may not be long and formed and may just be mashed up and mushy without any real good consistency which is normal.

However by age 18 to 36 months of age the toddlers poop should be a long, soft and formed log shape of poop and if not then they may be having diarrhea or other health issues.

The toddlers poop may also be other colors besides brown such as yellow and sometimes green which is usually normal.

However if the toddlers poop is white, red, contains blood or mucus or is maroon in color then you should take the toddler to the doctor to be checked out.

During the toddler period (18-36 months), it is important to continue to have good poop consistency, have a poop at least every other day and introduce the concept of regular toileting to the child.

The poop should be soft and formed (log shaped) by about 18 months of age.

First 3 months for children who are formula-fed you should expect two to three soft bowel movements daily.

6 months–1 year — Expect two bowel movements daily.

1–3 years — Expect one to two bowel movements daily.

4 years and older — Expect one bowel movement daily.

The culprit in many cases of toddler constipation is a diet that's too heavy in processed foods, dairy, and sweets, and too light in fiber (like whole grains, fruits, and vegetables).

Not getting enough fluid can also lead to constipation, because it makes the stools harder.

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